Follow these directions in each exercise closely so you know what to put in your Post-Lab to receive full credit for this online activity.
- Exercise I. You will create a phylogeny of terrestrial plants from a coded character matrix and learn to identify common plant parts important in specialized life-cycles for various taxa.
- Exercise II. You will review the parts of a flower in your lab manual and complete a virtual lab on what each part looks like, its primary function and if it is a male or female part where relevant.
- Exercise III. Go out! You will be asked to download a Tree ID app and use it to identify the genus and species of 10 selected tree species.
Follow these directions in each exercise closely so you know what to put in your Post-Lab to receive full credit for this online activity.
PART i. Terrestrial Plant evolution
The library below depicts images of various terrestrial plants and important parts.
Plant/Part List
Flower Dissection
Tree identification
You can approach this activity in 2 different ways, with an App or by using your computer...
With an APP
Apps for Tree ID
Websites for Tree ID |