Lab 9 pre-lab.
Each semester, BIOL 123 students participate in a BioBlitz on campus, but the timing of the BioBlitz is different in the fall and spring, to optimize species ID.
- If this is a fall term, you have already collected your BioBlitz Data and should review the "FALL" introduction below.
- If this is a spring term, you won't collect data until later, and you should review the "SPRING" introduction.
Introduction (FALL)
Introduction (SPRING)
Do you know enough?
BioBlitz Review
Earlier in the term, you completed a BioBlitz of campus using the seek app. Remember, a bioblitz is a communal, citizen-science, effort to record as many species within a designated location and time period as possible. Bioblitzes are great ways to engage the public to connect to their environment while generating useful data for science and conservation. In this lab you will first enter your own data into our BioBlitz data base. Then, you will use data collected previously to analyze campus diversity.
Introduction (FALL)
Do you know enough?
What we will do in lab?
Headline 4
Question on topic?
Each semester, BIOL 123 students participate in a BioBlitz on campus. But, the timing of the BioBlitz is different in the fall and spring, to optimize species ID. If this is a fall term, you have already collected your BioBlitz Data
DO you know enough about...?
What will we do in lab & how will we do iT?
Lab 2 contains three exercises.
If you feel confident with this material, click the bridge icon below and navigate to Blackboard to take the LABridge for this week. Be ready to be tested on this material before you go to the quiz, and make sure you have your Lab Notebook Guide ready to submit as well.
Lab 2 Protocol
Following this lab you should be able to...
- Use the scientific method including hypothesis creation, data collection, and analysis with the chi-square statistic.
- Determine if a source is considered scientific and peer-reviewed.
- Conduct a literature review with proper citation format.
- Produce a scientific poster.
Overview. In today's lab you will conduct a mini literature review on the ecology and behavior of terrestrial isopods, complete your chi-square analysis, and begin construction of your scientific poster.
- Exercise I. Literature Review
- Exercise II. Data Analysis
- Exercise III. Poster Preparations
Exercise I
Exercise II
Exercise III
Exercise I. Literature Review
Investigating the scientific literature on your topic is an important step of the scientific method; it connects your question to existing theory and research. Some of this was done for you so you could begin with your experiment last week. We need more research before we can proceed, and this will also give you a good start on your poster.
Scientific articles are often not free to the public, so large institutions, like universities, pay fees for access. If you’re not on a campus computer, you will need to sign into the library using your WKU account to access some articles: Just click HERE, and search "google scholar" [see example]. Procedure.
Exercise II. Name activity
Now it's time to calculate the chi-square value for each test. Open your datasheet in excel. Remember, you determined your observed and expected values last week. Review your Lab Notebook you submitted for Lab 1 if necessary.
Exercise iii. Poster Creation
The scientific poster is a form of scientific expression and one way researchers communicate their work with the wider scientific community, Most often, researchers will use the poster format as a way to put their preliminary research together and test the waters of scientific critique. Posters often come before presentations and manuscripts and they are presented at scientific conferences in large halls or rooms. Attendees wonder from poster to poster, get a 5 minute brief from the researcher and then a discussion begins. The appearance/content varies widely by field or lab, but they are often produced in PowerPoint and printed as 36" x 48" posters for display.
Materials: You will be provided with pillbugs & sowbugs and should use your phones to take photos as you go and time your tests.
- Review the information presented on this page, including the template and rubric.
- Discuss a plan of action for completing a draft of your poster with your group. Make a list of any questions you might have for your TA.
- Please note: You will present trade your draft, with another group next week for informal peer review. You will have another week to revise before submitting your final poster. Everyone in your groups must submit a final version via Blackboard.
- Complete Exercise III in your Lab Notebook Guide.
- Clean up your station and check-out with your TA. Don't forget to ask your questions before you go.